About Us

Who We Are

Earth Care Ghana is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Ghana that focuses on environmental sustainability, climate change, and natural resource management with the aim of promoting sustainable development through community engagement, education, and advocacy. Earth Care Ghana’s work is focused on several key areas, including:

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Earth Care Ghana works with communities to develop and implement strategies to adapt to the impacts of climate change, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable Agriculture: The organization promotes sustainable agricultural practices that enhance food security, reduce poverty, and promote sustainable land use.

Biodiversity Conservation: Earth Care Ghana works to conserve Ghana’s unique biodiversity by promoting sustainable natural resource management and protecting threatened species and habitats.

Renewable Energy: The organization promotes the adoption of renewable energy technologies to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and increase energy access in rural communities.

Our Values


Only through a huge, diverse, and committed social movement will we see the solutions to the climate crisis realized, and we believe that young people are a core agent of change in such a movement. At every level, WGB is led by young people. WGB empowers young people to create change on a national scale in their local communities.


All people will face the impacts of climate change and every community will need to be part of the solution. WGB supports young people of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, gender, race, sexuality, and religious and political beliefs to be part of the youth climate movement. We actively promote diversity and inclusiveness at all levels of the organization.


At its core, the climate crisis is an issue of social and environmental justice. We always take justice and sustainability into account in the decisions we make – from the policies, we support to our organization’s supply chain.

Our Vision

The vision of Earth Care Ghana is to create a sustainable future for Ghana and the world by promoting environmentally responsible development practices and empowering communities to take action. The organization aims to achieve this by advocating for climate change adaptation and mitigation, promoting sustainable agriculture, conserving Ghana’s unique biodiversity, and promoting the adoption of renewable energy technologies. Earth Care Ghana also seeks to raise awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and to inspire individuals and communities to take action to protect the planet. Ultimately, the organization envisions a world where people live in harmony with nature, and where the needs of current and future generations are met in a sustainable and equitable manner.

Our Mission

The mission of Earth Care Ghana is to promote environmental sustainability, biodiversity conservation, and climate change adaptation and mitigation through community engagement, education, and advocacy. The organization seeks to empower communities in Ghana to take action on environmental issues by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to adopt sustainable practices and protect their natural resources. Earth Care Ghana also aims to influence policy and decision-making at the local, regional, and national levels to ensure that environmental sustainability is prioritized in development plans and practices. Ultimately, the mission of Earth Care Ghana is to create a sustainable future for Ghana and the world by promoting environmentally responsible development practices and empowering individuals and communities to take action.

Earth Care Ghana and UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out the UN agenda for people, planet, and prosperity, achieving a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable society for all by 2030. The SDGs were adopted by 193 states at the United Nations in September 2015. The 17 goals and 169 targets aim to stimulate action in areas of critical importance to humanity and the environment.

As a leading environmental organization in Ghana, Earth Care Ghana believes we have a part to play in contributing towards the progress of the goals through its standards-setting, consumer action, and training & education initiatives.

 Earth Care Ghana seeks to enable green consumerism by championing thought leadership on a range of environmental issues and to bridge existing awareness-action gaps in the ecosystem by fostering business and consumer action through strategic collaboration across the public-private-people (3P) sectors. To drive capability-building efforts, Earth Care Ghana through its training & education activities seeks to imbue students and industry professionals alike with the know-how critical for the transition towards a circular economy. The Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda cannot succeed without the full engagement of the private sector.

According to a report by the Business & Sustainable Development Commission (January 2017), the SDGs could generate US$12 trillion in business savings and revenue across four sectors by 2030: energy, cities, food and agriculture, and health and well-being. It points out the 60 biggest market opportunities related to delivering the SDGs, such as sustainable aquaculture and mine rehabilitation. The report also estimates the creation of 380 million new jobs linked to these four sectors in the next ten or fifteen years due to the alignment of business strategy to the SDGs.

To tap into these opportunities, Earth Care Ghana work would be guided by the following global goals as it seeks to partner with its stakeholders in responding to the urgent call for global action: